Zombie Attack Roblox Wiki

Wave UI with requirements.

In every wave, there are zombies. There are an infinite amount of waves with zombies; players try to defeat as much waves as possible. With each wave being defeated, it will become harder with more zombies spawning and more powerful zombies spawning. Health of enemies increase by ~1-15 every wave(the rarer the zombie the more health will be added). Zombies will spawn until all players die or time runs out. Every 10 waves have a boss (9 in-game), which starts at wave 11. Bosses need to be killed if the players want to advance to the next wave. Rare Zombies spawn more commonly in late waves (31+).

Boss Waves[]

Wave 11: Mega Tank has shockwaves that has 2 types. Throws boulders (or whatever those are) to anyone.

Wave 21: King Slime ☀The King Slime charges up for couple of seconds then it creates a green circular ground wave that knocks down any players hit by the wave. It can deal low amount of damage.

Wave 31: Dark Ghost ☀It is the only boss that can turn invisible. Dark Ghost was added during V2. This boss can glitch sometimes, like after you killed it, the boss will remain standing for a long time before it collapses and disappears.

Wave 41: Demon Overlord ☀This ability also rises Demons, Tank Demons, Explosive Zombies, and Tank Explosive Zombies. Sinners Soul Shield - Casts a purple shield around itself that moderately damages nearby players and deflects incoming fire for a short period. Any player being hit by the shield will sit down automatically.

Wave 51: Dragon Beast ☀It has 3 attacks: 1000 Years of Destruction: It can fire 5 lasers to random players that can deal a really low damage to players. Dragon Breath: It can use "Dragon Breath" which is like a fire breath attack that can slowly deal damage to players who got hit by it.

Wave 61 and above: Dragon Beast He wants a rematch. (Like really, he wants a rematch.)

Random waves: X2-X9(only for Alien Lair): Alien Leader (the aliens are real) 0.0

Special Waves[]

Main Article: Special Waves

Enemies' Left in Normal Waves[]

Each waves cleared there will be additional of 2-4 zombies to the requirements. But each 50 waves there will always be +100.

If you want to look at the number amount of monsters, see the page Enemy Counter.

Time Left[]

In the past, all waves required 180 seconds (3:00) to complete. Therefore, to progress to waves 60-70+, it is essential to keep shooting zombies without stopping.

In update 20, this requirement has been increased, with cirtain advanced wave allowing for an additional ~2 seconds, e.g:up to a maximum of 210 seconds for Wave 60, 226 for 90. This change makes it much easier to progress.

On an average, reaching wave 100 from wave 1 (without dying, not Alien Lair nor Festive Village, with 1 pyromancer), it can take 3-4 hours.

Estimated Normal Waves's rewards:[]

These is just estimated amount from easy mode, single player, no other gamepass boosts and candies/presents to get exact 100% rewards.

Wave 1-50:[]

  • 50-60K cash
  • 100-200 levels

Wave 51-70-75[]

  • 50-60K cash
  • 150-200 levels

Wave 75-100:[]

  • ~100K cash
  • 400-500 levels

These below are estimated based on calculations, as it might or bs impossible to reach.[]

  • Wave 100-125: ~150-200k cash,500-750 levels
  • Wave 125-150: 200-300k cash,750-1000 levels
  • Wave 150-200: 500-750k cash,1000-2000 levels
  • Wave 250-500: 10-20M cash, 10k levels
  • Wave 500-1000: ~100M cash,~100k levels


  • The number of remaining enemies is always 1 when a wave is cleared, but if you are fast and lucky enough, you can sometimes get it down to 0.
  • Waves 1 to 2 do not display the "wave cleared" text. This is the only time that does not have a mini break
  • In Hard mode, Enemy Counter is a little lower than Normal Mode,around 20.
  • The timer in boss waves does not follow a consistent pattern. For example, in wave 80, you have a maximum of 220 seconds, but in wave 81, you only get 190-200 seconds, and in wave 82, you get back to 220-222 seconds.
Zombie Attack Content

Zombie (AlienPumpkin ZombieElf) • Tank Zombie (Tank AlienTank Pumpkin ZombieTank Elf) • Enraged Zombie (Enraged AlienEnraged Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Elf) • Fast Zombie (Fast AlienFast Pumpkin ZombieFast Elf) • Tank Fast Zombie (Tank Fast AlienTank Fast Pumpkin ZombieTank Fast Elf) • Enraged Fast Zombie (Enraged Fast AlienEnraged Fast Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Fast Elf) • Explosive Zombie (Explosive AlienExplosive Pumpkin ZombieExplosive Elf) • Tank Explosive Zombie (Tank Explosive AlienTank Explosive Pumpkin ZombieTank Explosive Elf) • Enraged Explosive Zombie (Enraged Explosive AlienEnraged Explosive Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Explosive Elf) • SlimeTank SlimeEnraged SlimeSand MonsterTank Sand MonsterEnraged Sand MonsterIce Zombie (Ice AlienIce Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Ice Zombie (Tank Ice AlienTank Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Ice Zombie (Enraged Ice AlienEnraged Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Lava Zombie (Lava AlienLava Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Lava Zombie (Tank Lava AlienTank Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Lava Zombie (Enraged Lava AlienEnraged Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Void SlimeTank Void SlimeEnraged Void SlimeVampireTank VampireEnraged VampireGhostTank GhostEnraged GhostAngelTank AngelEnraged AngelDemonTank DemonEnraged DemonArchangelTank ArchangelEnraged ArchangelBeastTank BeastEnraged BeastCrystalTank CrystalEnraged CrystalSantaTank SantaEnraged SantaPredator ZombieTank MonstersEnraged MonstersPlayable MonstersAliensPumpkin ZombieElf RaidersElvesZombie Horde


Mega TankKing SlimeDark GhostDemon OverlordDragon BeastAlien Leader


Heal Every WaveDouble EXP1.5x CashJuggernautPredator Zombie GamepassSpeed BoostPrecision AimingBoomboxDominus Pet GamepassAlien Weapon PackHalloween Weapon PackFestive Weapon PackStarter PackFlamethrower Gamepass


Pyramid MapMedieval Kingdom MapFarm Town MapGas Station MapMilitary MapPrison MapLab MapSewer MapCampground MapFactory MapIsland MapStation MapAlien Lair MapHalloween Carnival MapFestive Village Map


Epic Duck PetSpirit PetPumpkin PetUnicorn PetPhoenix PetAzurewrath PetDragon PetGhost Phoenix PetKing Slime PetNoob PetMega Tank PetSkull PetDoge PetBat PetFancy Crab PetDark Ghost PetSnowman PetCthulhu PetGhost Dragon PetDemon Overlord PetDragon Beast PetMoney Bag PetDominus PetPredator PetAlien Leader PetGhost PetSanta PetBat Pumpkin PetElf PetDemon Dragon PetJack Frost PetSkeleton Cat PetReindeer PetSnowboarding Penguin PetWitchy Llama PetDominus Infernus Pet

Power ups

GrenadeStun GrenadeMolotovSuper SpeedInvincibility


Basic 1 CrateBasic 2 CrateBasic 3 CrateUncommon CrateRare CrateLegendary Crate


ZombiesBeginnerSpeedsterBOOM!Slime TamerTank DestroyerGlassmakerIce CrusherMega Ice CrusherWater GunBig Clean-UpThe Bigger They Are...Alien InvasionWarrior of LightSlime DestroyerFrom the VoidFast ZombiesZombie SlayerFreezing!Withstand the HeatParanormalExpertMasterBeast TamerFallen AngelGhost BusterDemonic PresenceGod's WarriorDragon Slayer
