Zombie Attack Roblox Wiki

Pets are used to protect you, heal you, and damage nearby zombies. Pets are very important to becoming a leader in the game

Pets can be obtained:

  • From the Shop using In-game cash
  • By purchasing them with Robux Gamepasses Shop
  • Accomplishing Missions
  • Collecting enough items from zombies in certain event maps. Halloween, Christmas, etc

List of Pets that can be bought in the shop[]

Name Cost Effect Recommendation Image
Epic Duck $2,000, Heals you slowly Good Pet for Beginners EpicDuck
Spirit $5,000, Heals you moderately Very good for counterattacks SpiritRender
Pumpkin $8,000, Knocks back nearby zombies Ideal pet for when you get cornered by zombies and good for hard PumpkinRender
Unicorn $10,000, Heals you and damages nearby zombies Very good front line battle pet UnicornRender
Phoenix $14,000, Burns zombies around you Great Pet for Hard Mode PhoenixPet
Azurewrath $18,000, Shoots damaging projectiles at zombies Great Pet for early waves AzurewrathTransparent
Dragon $20,000, Shoots fireballs at nearby zombies Very good for early waves DragonRender
Ghost Phoenix $30,000, Burns zombies around you, similar effect to the Fire Phoenix Great pet for Hard Mode GhostPhoenix

List of pets obtained from missions[]

Name Mission required Effect Recommendation Image
King Slime Mission: Kill King Slime. Throws green rays at nearby zombies *Good Pet for Easy Mode KingSlime
Noob Mission: Survive 10 waves. Heals you slowly *Good Pet for Beginners Noob
Mega Tank Mission: Kill Mega Tank. Throws small rocks at nearby zombies *Good pet for early waves. MegaTankRender
Skull Mission: Survive 250 waves. Blazes nearby enemies with red fire Great pet for Hard Mode, great with Flamethrower. SkullTransparent
Doge Mission: Survive 50 waves. Heals you and damages nearby zombies ** Great healing pet. Doge
Bat Mission: Kill 25 Vampires. Makes you jump higher *Very Good Pet for jumping over hordes of oncoming zombies. BatRender
*Fancy Crab Mission: Kill 2 Crystal Zombies. Heals you slowly over time *Great pet for beginner players and easy mode. FancyCrabRender
Dark Ghost Mission: Kill Dark Ghost. Fires red damaging orbs at nearby enemies Excellent pet for easy mode and decent pet for hard mode DarkGhostRender
Snowman Mission: Kill 50 Ice Zombies. Slightly knock backs nearby enemies *Good pet for hard waves 31-all waves SnowmanPet
Cthulhu Mission: Kill 40 Ghosts. Fires deadly orbs at nearby enemies *Great Pet for easy mode. CthulhuRender
Ghost Dragon Mission: Kill 600 Demons. A ghost dragon that shoots spiritual balls at nearby zombies. Excellent pet for both easy mode and hard mode. GhostDragon
Demon Overlord Mission: Kill Demon Overlord Boss. Blazes nearby enemies with purple fire while in combat. Great with flamethrower DemonOverlordRender
Dragon Beast Mission: Kill Dragon Beast Boss. Blazes nearby enemies with fire while in combat Great with flamethrower DragonBeast
Alien Leader Mission: Kill Alien Leader Boss. Shoots purple orbs which steal the target's health. Good healing pet. Alien head

Special Pets[]

Name Obtainable Effect Recommendation Image
Money Bag Obtained by joining the official Zombie Attack group. Gives you 4 Cash every 3 seconds 80 cash per minute while you're alive. Very good pet for farming Moneybag
Dominus Pet Gamepass 1,000 Robux Heals you, damages and pushes back nearby zombies, and makes you jump higher. Perfect Pet for all waves, whether in Easy Mode or in Hard Mode DominusPet
Predator Pet Gamepass 800 Robux Blazes nearby zombies with red fire. Excellent pet for easy mode and good pet for hard mode. Predator Zombie

List of event-exclusive pets[]

Name Object required Effect Recommendation Image
Ghost Pet Obtained by collecting 100 candies from any monsters on the Halloween Carnival Map during Halloween 2018 and from Pumpkin Zombies in all maps during Halloween 2024. Creates a forcefield that protects you and speed you up for a second. Good for escaping hordes Ghost
Bat Pumpkin Obtained by collecting 100 candies from Pumpkin Zombies on the Halloween Carnival Map during Halloween 2019. Knocks back nearby enemies and increases your jump height. Good for dealing with hordes BatPumpkin
Elf Obtained by collecting 100 Presents from any monster in any map during Christmas 2019. Freezes a zombie for a short amount of time once it has been hit by the player's knife. Best for using knife ElfPet
Demon Dragon Obtained by collecting 100 candies from Pumpkin Zombies in any map during Halloween 2020 and 2022 Shoots fire and heals you for the damage. Recommend for all waves and all modes DemonDragon
Jack Frost Obtained by collecting 100 presents from any monster in any map during Christmas 2020 Guns apply slight slowing and multiplying damage with each shot! Lasts for 1 second! Stacks. Good for very high health zombies, especially crystals JackFrost
Skeleton Cat Obtained by collecting 100 candies from Pumpkin Zombies in any map during Halloween 2021 Shoots a white fireball that knockbacks monsters. Very good for dealing with hordes SkeletonCat
Santa Obtained by collecting 100 presents in any map during Christmas 2018 and 2023 It will grant you the ability to freeze monsters/zombies using your melee weapons. Best for using knife SantaPet
Reindeer Obtained by collecting 100 Presents from any monster in any map during Christmas 2021 and 2023 After killing monsters, has a chance to explode upon death and dealing extra damage around them. Good for dealing with hordes ReindeerPet
Snowboarding Penguin Obtained by collecting 100 Presents from any monster in any map in Christmas 2022 and 2024 Heals you whilst moving. Best healing pet in game SnowboardingPenguin
Witchy Llama Obtained by collecting 100 candies from Pumpkin Zombies in any map during Halloween 2023 Heals you, knockback monsters around you, and increases your jump boost.

Striped down version of Dominus, good for escaping hordes WitchyLlama


  • Pets were added in V.3.
  • Some pets do not appear on certain devices.
  • There is some confusion between the Dragon that is bought with cash and the Ghost Dragon that is obtained by missions.
  • Certain pets such as Bat together with pets that improve jump and Ghost Dragon have unfair advantage bugs.
    • Equipping the Bat for the first time grants a permanent jump boost while you are alive. even if you switch to a different pet after.
    • The Ghost Dragon has the ability to duplicate kills from zombies sometimes, potentially quadrupling your kills
    • The Santa pet has a chance to glitch, resulting in freezing zombies with melee weapons after replacing it. This occurs when you equip the pet in the middle of a round and then equip a different per within the same round.
Zombie Attack Content

Zombie (AlienPumpkin ZombieElf) • Tank Zombie (Tank AlienTank Pumpkin ZombieTank Elf) • Enraged Zombie (Enraged AlienEnraged Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Elf) • Fast Zombie (Fast AlienFast Pumpkin ZombieFast Elf) • Tank Fast Zombie (Tank Fast AlienTank Fast Pumpkin ZombieTank Fast Elf) • Enraged Fast Zombie (Enraged Fast AlienEnraged Fast Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Fast Elf) • Explosive Zombie (Explosive AlienExplosive Pumpkin ZombieExplosive Elf) • Tank Explosive Zombie (Tank Explosive AlienTank Explosive Pumpkin ZombieTank Explosive Elf) • Enraged Explosive Zombie (Enraged Explosive AlienEnraged Explosive Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Explosive Elf) • SlimeTank SlimeEnraged SlimeSand MonsterTank Sand MonsterEnraged Sand MonsterIce Zombie (Ice AlienIce Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Ice Zombie (Tank Ice AlienTank Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Ice Zombie (Enraged Ice AlienEnraged Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Lava Zombie (Lava AlienLava Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Lava Zombie (Tank Lava AlienTank Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Lava Zombie (Enraged Lava AlienEnraged Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Void SlimeTank Void SlimeEnraged Void SlimeVampireTank VampireEnraged VampireGhostTank GhostEnraged GhostAngelTank AngelEnraged AngelDemonTank DemonEnraged DemonArchangelTank ArchangelEnraged ArchangelBeastTank BeastEnraged BeastCrystalTank CrystalEnraged CrystalSantaTank SantaEnraged SantaPredator ZombieTank MonstersEnraged MonstersPlayable MonstersAliensPumpkin ZombieElf RaidersElvesZombie Horde


Mega TankKing SlimeDark GhostDemon OverlordDragon BeastAlien Leader


Heal Every WaveDouble EXP1.5x CashJuggernautPredator Zombie GamepassSpeed BoostPrecision AimingBoomboxDominus Pet GamepassAlien Weapon PackHalloween Weapon PackFestive Weapon PackStarter PackFlamethrower Gamepass


Pyramid MapMedieval Kingdom MapFarm Town MapGas Station MapMilitary MapPrison MapLab MapSewer MapCampground MapFactory MapIsland MapStation MapAlien Lair MapHalloween Carnival MapFestive Village Map


Epic Duck PetSpirit PetPumpkin PetUnicorn PetPhoenix PetAzurewrath PetDragon PetGhost Phoenix PetKing Slime PetNoob PetMega Tank PetSkull PetDoge PetBat PetFancy Crab PetDark Ghost PetSnowman PetCthulhu PetGhost Dragon PetDemon Overlord PetDragon Beast PetMoney Bag PetDominus PetPredator PetAlien Leader PetGhost PetSanta PetBat Pumpkin PetElf PetDemon Dragon PetJack Frost PetSkeleton Cat PetReindeer PetSnowboarding Penguin PetWitchy Llama PetDominus Infernus Pet

Power ups

GrenadeStun GrenadeMolotovSuper SpeedInvincibility


Basic 1 CrateBasic 2 CrateBasic 3 CrateUncommon CrateRare CrateLegendary Crate


ZombiesBeginnerSpeedsterBOOM!Slime TamerTank DestroyerGlassmakerIce CrusherMega Ice CrusherWater GunBig Clean-UpThe Bigger They Are...Alien InvasionWarrior of LightSlime DestroyerFrom the VoidFast ZombiesZombie SlayerFreezing!Withstand the HeatParanormalExpertMasterBeast TamerFallen AngelGhost BusterDemonic PresenceGod's WarriorDragon Slayer
