Zombie Attack Roblox Wiki
Epic Blue Sword

The Epic Blue Sword from Zombie Attack

Knives (swords) are melee weapons that are used in Zombie Attack. Unlike guns, knifes are automatically added to players' inventory upon reaching their unlock level. A kill with a knife will cause a red explosion and a missing body part from the slain zombie/monster, similarly to the gun's head shot.

Knives are one of the two weapons that can be used to kill zombies (enemies). Learn how to use knives at the controls page.


  • Tip 1 (opinion-based): Using knives isn't considered the best idea since it means you have to get close to your enemies. Therefore,you will be taking damage as you attempt to kill enemies while using a gun means keep a safe distance.. Even though the knives can be thrown, not only doing less damage as a gun would do, but also pretty hard to aim and very low accurancy. However it might have potential to do fairly decent damage.
  • Tip 2: If you want to use knives, try to use a fast and strong knife that can insta-kill a Basic Zombie in Easy Mode such as the Christmas Saber or Nightmare Blade
  • Tip 3: If you have any powerful knives, equip them. The most powerful weapons can help you in successfully defeating enemies.
  • Tip 4:If you have Invincibility, use your equipped knife. Even if the zombies attack you, you won't receive damage. Also remember to escape out quick before the ability is gone.
  • Tip 5: Do not attempt killing high health zombies such as Beasts, Tank demon, crystals ,etc because it can take very long time, plus you probably gonna attract hordes. You also have to be very careful with explosive zombies and santa.

List of Knives (swords) in Zombie Attack[]


Basic Knife

  • This is the knife that you start off with. The default knife.
  • The basic knife is not that good. Even it's throwing speed is horrible.


  • Obtained when player reaches level 3
Deathshard stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 5


  • Obtained when player reaches level 8
  • Has a darklumos image, but while using its different

Azure Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 15
Azure Sword Stats

Earth Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 20

Fire Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 25


  • Obtained when player reaches level 35
Firebrand Stats

Ice Dragon

  • Obtained when player reaches level 50
Ice Dragon Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 75
Venomshank Stats

Leaf Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 100
  • It's swing speed is slow but good damage.
Leaf Sword Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 130
Darkheart Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 170.
  • The largest knife in the game.
  • Emits red light when on use.
Heat Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 250
  • A retextured version of the Basic Knife.

Rainbow Horse Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 325
Rainbow Horse Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 400
Virtual Stats

Sword Of Swords

  • Obtained when player reaches level 550
Sword of Swords Stats

Magma Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 650
Magma Sword Stats

Green Saber

  • Obtained when player reaches level 700
Green Saber Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 800
Slasher Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 900
Mamba Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 1000
Monochrome stats

Hallow's Edge

  • Obtained when player reaches level 1250
Hallows Edge Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 1500
Darklumos Stats

Blue Flame

  • Obtained when player reaches level 2000
  • Blue version of Heat but smaller.
  • Emits blue light when on use.
Blue Flame Stats

Death Horse Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 2500
  • Dead version of Rainbow Horse Sword.
Death Horse Sword Stats


  • Obtained when player reaches level 3500
  • First scythe in-game

Omega Scythe

  • Obtained when player reaches level 5000
  • Second scythe in-game
Omega Scythe Stats

Epic Blue Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 7500
  • First Epic Sword in-game
Epic Blue Sword Stats

Epic Red Sword

  • Obtained when player reaches level 10000
  • Second Epic Sword in-game
  • Currently the best knife in the game
Epic Red Sword Stats


Alien Slayer


Nightmare Blade


Christmas Saber

  • Obtained from the Festive Weapon Pack.
  • Has more damage than the Nightmare Blade.
  • Swing speed is faster.
  • The second best knife in the game.
  • The second Saber in the game.

Amethyst Blade


  •  All of them have fairly similar stats.
    • Some of these knife has the highest stat in normal star in this game, which is 6
  •  Some of the knives comes from Knife Simulator, another game created by the same group.
  •  Most knives are from the catalog, some are unavailable or hidden in the catalog and some are found in the model library.
  • You cannot upgrade your knives in the Gun Upgrade update.
  • Knifes are not automatically equipped like when you bought a gun or complete a quest


Knife Audio
TBA New Slash
TBA Old Slash
TBA Knife Swing
TBA Nightmare Blade Swing
Zombie Attack Content

Zombie (AlienPumpkin ZombieElf) • Tank Zombie (Tank AlienTank Pumpkin ZombieTank Elf) • Enraged Zombie (Enraged AlienEnraged Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Elf) • Fast Zombie (Fast AlienFast Pumpkin ZombieFast Elf) • Tank Fast Zombie (Tank Fast AlienTank Fast Pumpkin ZombieTank Fast Elf) • Enraged Fast Zombie (Enraged Fast AlienEnraged Fast Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Fast Elf) • Explosive Zombie (Explosive AlienExplosive Pumpkin ZombieExplosive Elf) • Tank Explosive Zombie (Tank Explosive AlienTank Explosive Pumpkin ZombieTank Explosive Elf) • Enraged Explosive Zombie (Enraged Explosive AlienEnraged Explosive Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Explosive Elf) • SlimeTank SlimeEnraged SlimeSand MonsterTank Sand MonsterEnraged Sand MonsterIce Zombie (Ice AlienIce Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Ice Zombie (Tank Ice AlienTank Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Ice Zombie (Enraged Ice AlienEnraged Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Lava Zombie (Lava AlienLava Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Lava Zombie (Tank Lava AlienTank Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Lava Zombie (Enraged Lava AlienEnraged Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Void SlimeTank Void SlimeEnraged Void SlimeVampireTank VampireEnraged VampireGhostTank GhostEnraged GhostAngelTank AngelEnraged AngelDemonTank DemonEnraged DemonArchangelTank ArchangelEnraged ArchangelBeastTank BeastEnraged BeastCrystalTank CrystalEnraged CrystalSantaTank SantaEnraged SantaPredator ZombieTank MonstersEnraged MonstersPlayable MonstersAliensPumpkin ZombieElf RaidersElvesZombie Horde


Mega TankKing SlimeDark GhostDemon OverlordDragon BeastAlien Leader


Heal Every WaveDouble EXP1.5x CashJuggernautPredator Zombie GamepassSpeed BoostPrecision AimingBoomboxDominus Pet GamepassAlien Weapon PackHalloween Weapon PackFestive Weapon PackStarter PackFlamethrower Gamepass


Pyramid MapMedieval Kingdom MapFarm Town MapGas Station MapMilitary MapPrison MapLab MapSewer MapCampground MapFactory MapIsland MapStation MapAlien Lair MapHalloween Carnival MapFestive Village Map


Epic Duck PetSpirit PetPumpkin PetUnicorn PetPhoenix PetAzurewrath PetDragon PetGhost Phoenix PetKing Slime PetNoob PetMega Tank PetSkull PetDoge PetBat PetFancy Crab PetDark Ghost PetSnowman PetCthulhu PetGhost Dragon PetDemon Overlord PetDragon Beast PetMoney Bag PetDominus PetPredator PetAlien Leader PetGhost PetSanta PetBat Pumpkin PetElf PetDemon Dragon PetJack Frost PetSkeleton Cat PetReindeer PetSnowboarding Penguin PetWitchy Llama PetDominus Infernus Pet

Power ups

GrenadeStun GrenadeMolotovSuper SpeedInvincibility


Basic 1 CrateBasic 2 CrateBasic 3 CrateUncommon CrateRare CrateLegendary Crate


ZombiesBeginnerSpeedsterBOOM!Slime TamerTank DestroyerGlassmakerIce CrusherMega Ice CrusherWater GunBig Clean-UpThe Bigger They Are...Alien InvasionWarrior of LightSlime DestroyerFrom the VoidFast ZombiesZombie SlayerFreezing!Withstand the HeatParanormalExpertMasterBeast TamerFallen AngelGhost BusterDemonic PresenceGod's WarriorDragon Slayer
