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Cash is the main in-game currency of Zombie Attack. Using cash, you can buy pets, guns, and zombies. You can get cash from the Money Bag Pet, killing zombies or duplicates of auras that is exchanged with cash. This can also be received by completing missions. You can also get cash by collecting candies or presents.

cash UI

Cash from Zombies[]

How Cash You Can Get From Each Zombie.[]

This will only include normal variants of zombies (Easy Mode, without 1.5X Cash Gamepass.)

For more variants, check Gameplay Rewards

  1. Basic Zombie: Up to $5.
  2. Fast Zombie: Up to $9.
  3. Explosive Zombie: Up to $11.
  4. Slime: Up to $17.
  5. Sand Monster: Up to $24.
  6. Ice Zombie: Up to $37.
  7. Lava Zombie: Up to $46.
  8. Void Slime: Up to $55.
  9. Vampire: Up to $73.
  10. Ghost: Up to $100.
  11. Angel: Up to $115.
  12. Demon: Up to $125
  13. Archangel: Up to $135.
  14. Beast : Up to $160.
  15. Crystal: Up to $220.


  • Tank Crystal: Up to $294.
  • Predator: 35$
  • Bosses: Dragon Beast & Mega Tank: $350. King Slime: 600. Dark Ghost: 800. Demon Overlord: 1000.
  • If you're playing single player, surviving the first 50 waves will approximately give you 60k cash, the same amount in the next 20 or so waves, and ~100k from that to Wave 100. (With no quests, no usage of the money bag pet, no candy, no present and no gamepasses.)


  • Use decent weapons such as miniguns, Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher or Tree Launcher to earn more cash from killing monsters, as well as advancing to higher waves much easier.
  • Use Ghost Dragon Pet or other shooting pets, since there is a bug in its projectiles causing it to duplicate rewards.
    • The more people using these pets, the higher chance, the more "duped" rewards you can earn.
    • Use money bag pet if you do not have the ghost dragon yet, not recommended for high waves such as 50+.
  • Play solo in a private server (to get maximum money).
  • Re-do some of the missions regularly, Such as Withstand the Heat.
    • Doing EVERY mission is the fastest and easiest way.
  • Spend keys to get more cash to duplicate skins. (It's not recommended to spend it too much on common )
  • Collect candies from Pumpkin Zombies or presents from any monster or Elf Raiders to earn more cash.
  • Slaying strong monsters like Crystals, Archangels, Angels, Demons, Vampires, etc. will give you more cash when killed.
    • Their Engaged/ Tank counterpart also gives you more cash when killed.
    • Be sure to check the time to avoid game over.
  • You can by the 1.5x Cash gamepass, or cash bundles reaching up to 220k.


  • The absolute minimum of cash you can get from killing a zombie is $1, while the XP can be "-0"
  • One of the fastest way to get cash is to get Mythic duplicates & Legendary duplicates.
  • You need $2,581,200 cash to acquire all weapons in the shop, excluding upgrades.
Zombie Attack Content

Zombie (AlienPumpkin ZombieElf) • Tank Zombie (Tank AlienTank Pumpkin ZombieTank Elf) • Enraged Zombie (Enraged AlienEnraged Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Elf) • Fast Zombie (Fast AlienFast Pumpkin ZombieFast Elf) • Tank Fast Zombie (Tank Fast AlienTank Fast Pumpkin ZombieTank Fast Elf) • Enraged Fast Zombie (Enraged Fast AlienEnraged Fast Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Fast Elf) • Explosive Zombie (Explosive AlienExplosive Pumpkin ZombieExplosive Elf) • Tank Explosive Zombie (Tank Explosive AlienTank Explosive Pumpkin ZombieTank Explosive Elf) • Enraged Explosive Zombie (Enraged Explosive AlienEnraged Explosive Pumpkin ZombieEnraged Explosive Elf) • SlimeTank SlimeEnraged SlimeSand MonsterTank Sand MonsterEnraged Sand MonsterIce Zombie (Ice AlienIce Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Ice Zombie (Tank Ice AlienTank Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Ice Zombie (Enraged Ice AlienEnraged Ice Pumpkin Zombie) • Lava Zombie (Lava AlienLava Pumpkin Zombie) • Tank Lava Zombie (Tank Lava AlienTank Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Enraged Lava Zombie (Enraged Lava AlienEnraged Lava Pumpkin Zombie) • Void SlimeTank Void SlimeEnraged Void SlimeVampireTank VampireEnraged VampireGhostTank GhostEnraged GhostAngelTank AngelEnraged AngelDemonTank DemonEnraged DemonArchangelTank ArchangelEnraged ArchangelBeastTank BeastEnraged BeastCrystalTank CrystalEnraged CrystalSantaTank SantaEnraged SantaPredator ZombieTank MonstersEnraged MonstersPlayable MonstersAliensPumpkin ZombieElf RaidersElvesZombie Horde


Mega TankKing SlimeDark GhostDemon OverlordDragon BeastAlien Leader


Heal Every WaveDouble EXP1.5x CashJuggernautPredator Zombie GamepassSpeed BoostPrecision AimingBoomboxDominus Pet GamepassAlien Weapon PackHalloween Weapon PackFestive Weapon PackStarter PackFlamethrower Gamepass


Pyramid MapMedieval Kingdom MapFarm Town MapGas Station MapMilitary MapPrison MapLab MapSewer MapCampground MapFactory MapIsland MapStation MapAlien Lair MapHalloween Carnival MapFestive Village Map


Epic Duck PetSpirit PetPumpkin PetUnicorn PetPhoenix PetAzurewrath PetDragon PetGhost Phoenix PetKing Slime PetNoob PetMega Tank PetSkull PetDoge PetBat PetFancy Crab PetDark Ghost PetSnowman PetCthulhu PetGhost Dragon PetDemon Overlord PetDragon Beast PetMoney Bag PetDominus PetPredator PetAlien Leader PetGhost PetSanta PetBat Pumpkin PetElf PetDemon Dragon PetJack Frost PetSkeleton Cat PetReindeer PetSnowboarding Penguin PetWitchy Llama PetDominus Infernus Pet

Power ups

GrenadeStun GrenadeMolotovSuper SpeedInvincibility


Basic 1 CrateBasic 2 CrateBasic 3 CrateUncommon CrateRare CrateLegendary Crate


ZombiesBeginnerSpeedsterBOOM!Slime TamerTank DestroyerGlassmakerIce CrusherMega Ice CrusherWater GunBig Clean-UpThe Bigger They Are...Alien InvasionWarrior of LightSlime DestroyerFrom the VoidFast ZombiesZombie SlayerFreezing!Withstand the HeatParanormalExpertMasterBeast TamerFallen AngelGhost BusterDemonic PresenceGod's WarriorDragon Slayer
