I don't seem to notice any recent edits nor discussion posts. What's happening?
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What does the halloween 2024 event give? idk what the candies do i have about 95 yesterday and it didn't seem to have any event shop, rewards, menu, or even stating what the event gives. can anyone tell?
Whenever i try to join i get an error code saying my data was unable to load, never happened when i used to play and i remember being level 600 on this account
Halloween is in! (possibly in new servers)
The Ghost Pet returns!
All possible guns when firing are much brighter.
The Top 10 Boss Kills and Top 10 Missions Completed Leaderboard were removed for an unknown reason.
If the game is updated, I will add some new stuff just to keep you guys updated.
[ specific ammo types/other stuff are/is shown in (brackets) ]
Blaster: Glock 40
Fiery Cannon: (Dual-Slug Ammo) Remington 870 Shotgun
Retribution Ray: (Duplex Ammo) M4 PDW
Toxic: MP9
Platinum Gun: (Long Barrel) Desert Eagle 44
Scope Rifle: AR-10
Space Gun: (Triple-Slug Ammo) M26 MASS
Railgun: Barret 99
Ghost: Mk 18 CQBR
Alien Rifle: M14
Ray Gun: (Slow-Auto Fire mode) BAR
Annihilator: Kriss Vector
Biohazard: (Triple-Slug Ammo) USAS-12
Venom: M200 Intervention
9 Votes in Poll
Is Zombie Attack 2 gonna be released on the Original Zombie Attack or in a diferent game? Because I'm worried that I won't be able to play the Original beceause i like the Original.
It's possible i will make a different zombie attack game first (before my other project, zombie attack remastered), which will be story-focused game (similar to half life) a sneak peak from the game might come soon which will reveal the game's weapons and/or enemies.
Feel free to input some ideas for the game
Im new and on laptop pls help me
Yeah im not so sure if i should actually post this but since this wiki is dead it's better if i post it anyways,, its kinda funny how someone decides to exploit in a really old game like cmon man try something else,, also spoiler alert he was the last one to stand in the round but ended up failing and we lost LMFAO (i have a recording of it but i decided to put a screenshot because i thought this is better for the quality lmk if i should show the recording clip LOL)
Someone PLEASE send me a link to the server i been looking for it everywhere. i cant find it on the group cuz my account is >13,, it would be really great if someone sends me the link because i have been trying to get in the server ever since mid 2022.
Help me get this page done ok
The only guy that is still active is probably @GaddielJohnClaveria
Just to say dead